The dedicated team of expert videographers at Krik Krak Entertainment work across the local area and the nation to provide all manner of video production services to our clients. Our in-house expertise allows us to provide high-quality footage for corporate and private clients including creative direction, storyboarding, broadcast, events coverage, time lapse and social media shorts. Whether you need one-off filming support or an ongoing relationship with a creative and talented video production team, contact us through our booking form today.
We've been working in video production for many years, and have worked alongside large companies before. We've done everything from short films for social media to serious long form content, corporate videos and events coverage. We love what we do, and we're really happy to work with clients – experienced or not – to help bring their creative vision to life.
Need a professionally made video? Look no further. We're proud of our top of the range equipment so we can capture clear shots perfect for all kinds of films. Our long range cameras have long battery lives, and we're experts in handling them – so leave things in the hands of the experts, and work with us to get exactly what you want at an amazing price from people who are passionate and enthusiastic about their work.